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发布日期:2014-10-08     作者:     点击:

为 使新闻与传播学院的师生了解当今美国传播学研究的前沿动向,开阔学术视野,促进相关领域的教学与科研工作,经双方商议与学校批准,美国肯塔基大学传播与信 息学院和吉林大学新闻与传播学院联合开设“美国传播学理论研究前沿课程”(硕士研究生选修课,内容包括参与式传播、健康传播、危机传播等三个部分),首次 特邀美国肯塔基大学传播与信息学院 3 位学者来为我院师生授课,授课时间为 10 20 日至 11 28 日(具体授课时间与地点另行通知),请有关对传播学理论研究感兴趣、且符合报名条件的新闻与传播学院 2013 级硕士研究生(含新闻系、传播系、广电系学术与专业硕士)与本学院中青年教师自愿报名参加。
课程名称 :美国传播学理论研究前沿课程
This graduate seminar provides a state-of-the field examination of three specialized topical areas in relation to the discipline of communication: participatory communication, health communication, and risk & crisis communication. Through readings of the latest academic literature and classroom discussions, students will have the opportunity to stay up to date with the latest research in these fields, will learn how to write a comprehensive literature review and develop solid research questions and hypotheses in a subfield of their own research interests.
The seminar will be co-taught in English by professors from the College of Communication and Information at the University of Kentucky.
Part I: Participatory Communication
Instructor :Chike Anyaegbunam, Ph.D.,Professor, School of Journalism and Telecommunications,College of Communication and Information.Director, Dissemination and Implementation Sciences Consortium (DISC), University of Kentucky
The section on participatory communication will focus on the underlying philosophical, theoretical, and methodological premises of this communicative approach, and help students gain a deep understanding of participatory communication theory, research and action and their implications for a variety of contexts. It will provide an opportunity for students to explore the creative and innovative potentials of participatory communication as an intersection, where diverse fields, paradigms and ideas meet to generate a “Medici Effect.”
Part II: Health Communication
Instructor : Donald W. Helme, Ph.D.,Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies,Department of Communication.Co-Director, Dissemination and Implementation Sciences Consortium,College of Communication and Information,University of Kentucky
Part III: crisis communication
The section on crisis communication adopts a case-centered approach, and follows the crisis communication management process through the stages of pre-crisis, crisis, and post-crisis. The pre-crisis stage discusses planning and environmental scanning. The crisis stage discusses communication strategies for crisis management. The post-crisis stage depicts crisis as an opportunity for organizational learning and for rebuilding or expanding public trust.
Instructor : Shari R. Veil, MBA, Ph.D.Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs,Associate Professor of Communication,College of Communication and Information at University of Kentucky.
授课语言 :英语
报名要求: 报名的硕士研究生英语水平必须满足如下条件之一:
1. 通过大学英语六级( CET6 )考试,分数在 425 分以上;
2. 通过英语专业四级( TEM4 )考试;
3. 全国英语等级考试( PETS4 )四级合格证书(笔试、口语均合格)
4. 托业考试分数 650 分(含)以上;
5. 获得 BEC 中级合格证书;
6. 英语新托福考试 60 分(含)以上;
7. 英语雅思考试得分 6.0 分(含)以上。
课程学时: 授课约 36 课时,另外每位专家各安排一次辅导与答疑
    分: 选修合格者将获得一门选修课学分
结课要求: 平时出勤、课堂回答与探讨问题、平时作业占 30% ,课程结束时,一篇论文占 70%
授课时间与地点: 另行通知
报名时间: 2014 10 8 日上午 8 30 11 20 10 9 8 30 16 00
报名地点: 东荣大厦 11 1110
报名联系人: 姚孟乐,孙越
电话: 85168851
注: 我们会在 10 9 日晚间之前将相关阅读材料发到选课同学信箱

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