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发布日期:2014-11-06     作者:     点击:

由美国肯塔基大学传播与信息学院和吉林大学新闻与传播学院联合开设的“硕士研究生美国传播学理论研究前沿课程”第二阶段教学将于 11 10 日~ 11 28 日开课,将分别特邀美国肯塔基大学传播与信息学院唐纳德• W •赫尔姆 (Donald W. Helme) 副教授、博士讲授《健康传播运动与干预》,莎丽• R. 维尔( Shari R. Veil )副教授、博士讲授《危机传播》。
授课时间 :周一下午 13 3 0 ~16:05,周三上午9:10~11:45,周五下午 13 3 0 ~16:05。
授课地点 :东荣大厦10楼会议室。
Module II: Health Communication Campaigns & Interventions
Instructor : Donald W. Helme, Ph.D.,Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies,Department of Communication.Co-Director, Dissemination and Implementation Sciences Consortium,College of Communication and Information,University of Kentucky
This section will focus on the role of the mass media in contemporary public health campaigns, with a focus on the application of theory and research to campaign design. Through readings and discussions, we will review various theories/approaches concerning social marketing, targeting, social modeling, persuasion, message design, and campaign message exposure. We will also conduct an overview of studies of campaign effects, and engage in a detailed examination of specific techniques for modern campaigns. We will also examine the evolving use of new digital communication technologies in health communication interventions and consider the implications of these new technologies for the design of future health communication campaigns.
Module III: Crisis Communication
Instructor : Shari R. Veil, MBA, Ph.D.Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs,Associate Professor of Communication,College of Communication and Information at University of Kentucky.
This module follows the crisis communication management process through the stages of pre-crisis, crisis, and post-crisis. The pre-crisis stage discusses planning and environmental scanning. The crisis stage discusses communication strategies for crisis management. The post-crisis stage depicts crisis as an opportunity for organizational learning and for rebuilding or expanding public trust. The course uses a case approach throughout.

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